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Track Selection

Track Manipulation

FLPlayer node component provides fields and functions to retrieve a current audio or subtitle track, retrieve available list of audio or subtitle tracks and select a audio or subtitle track.

List available Tracks

Upon loading the media FLPlayer updates the list of available audio or subtitle tracks. The same can be read from player fields. The value is an array of assocarray objects each containing track name, description and identifier.

Get available tracks
' Get available audio tracks
audioTracks = flPlayer.getField(m.flPlayerFields.AVAILABLE_AUDIO_TRACKS)

' Get available subtitle tracks
subtitleTracks = flPlayer.getField(m.flPlayerFields.AVAILABLE_SUBTITLE_TRACKS)

A subtitle track object

DescriptionstringDescriptive name of the subtitle track
LanguagestringISO 639-2 three-letter language code
TrackNamestringThe track identifier. The value of this field may be used to select the subtitle track.

An audio track object

DescriptionstringDescriptive name of the audio track
LanguagestringISO 639-2 three-letter language code
TrackstringThe track identifier. The value of this field may be used to select the audio track.

Get active Track

The currently active track in each type can be obtained from the Player using the selectedTrack(for:) API. This API returns the active track of any given a MediaTrack.

Get current track
' Get current audio track
audioTrack = flPlayer.getField(m.flPlayerFields.CURRENT_AUDIO_TRACK)

' Get current substitle track
subtitleTrack = flPlayer.getField(m.flPlayerFields.CURRENT_SUBTITLE_TRACK)

Set a track

A audio or subtitle track could be selected by invoking set track functions on FLPlayer with the track identifier string as param.

Set track
' Set a audio track
flPlayer.callFunc(m.flPlayerFunctions.SET_AUDIO_TRACK, audioIdentifierString)

' Set a video track
flPlayer.callFunc(m.flPlayerFunctions.SET_SUBTITLE_TRACK), subtitleIdentifierString)

Passing an empty string with SET_SUBTITLE_TRACK function will turn off captions.