FL-Analytics is an add-on library that serves as a framework for recording comprehensive data metrics related to application, video playback, and user events. The library can also be used to collect custom events and metadata. The library's data model is based on the Data Dictionary which is the standard schema used to normalize every piece of data captured in order to generate many popular video streaming quality of experience metrics.
QP Analytics offers extensions for the following analytics tools, enabling applications to seamlessly interact with them through simplified public APIs:
- Datazoom
- Conviva
Below are the steps for setting up and integrating each tool.
- Add the following snippet to your
<script src="fl-analytics.iife.js"></script>
- For Conviva integration you must also provide the script for the Conviva Core SDK.
<script type="text/javascript" src="conviva-core-sdk.js"></script>
Application Session
provides the entry point to the library analytics protocols. It also serves as factory containing APIs to create other analytic sessions (PlaybackSession and UserSession). Besides this ApplicationSession
also provides APIs for reporting app start and report fatal and non-fatal errors.
Create sessions using the relevant APIs (each parameter content
, playbackSource
, applicationContainer
and userInfo
is discussed in detail in below sections).
// Create application session instance
const appSession = flAnalytics.getApplicationSession();
// API to initialize application session instance
configId: '<your-datazoom-key>', // for Datazoom integration only
convivaKey: '<your-conviva-key>', // for Conviva integration only
debug: true, // for Conviva test session only
gatewayUrl: '<conviva-test-url>', // for Conviva test session only
application: appInfo,
device: deviceInfo,
user: userInfo,
player: playerInfo, // for Conviva integration only
customEventsConfigUrl: '<url-to-blacklisted-events-configuration>',
logger: '<application-logger>'
// API to create PlaybackSession
const playbackSession = appSession.createPlaybackSession(content, playbackSource, applicationContainer);
// API to create UserSession
const userSession = appSession.createUserSession(userInfo);
Since ApplicationSession
is a singleton class, flAnalytics.getApplicationSession()
should be called only once. In case multiple calls are made to the API it will always return the same instance. Also note that ApplicationSession
acts as a factory to create the remaining analytic session instances(UserSession
and PlaybackSession
The library supports connection to multiple analytics provider (supports Datazoom at present) by create configuration to specific analytic provider, below is the one for creating configuration for datazoom.
Reporting Data
The Metadata that is expected to remain constant for the entire duration of a session should be provided as an application, user, subscription or device information object. They encapsulate all relevant optional and mandatory metadata regarding different aspects of the analytics session.
Use API to update any of this common reporting data.
Create application reporting data payload.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the application. |
version | string | true | The version of the application. |
buildVersion | string | true | The build version of the application. |
product | string | false | The customer product. |
Create user's reporting data payload.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | UserType | true | Indicates appropriate user type. |
id | string | false | The unique user identifier (eg: Customer Id) |
subscription | Subscription | false | User subscription details. |
profileId | string | false | The unique identifier for the user's profile |
Create Subscription
reporting data payload which will be reported as part of above user's payload.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | true | The unique subscription identifier for the user. |
status | SubscriptionStatus | false | Indicates appropriate subscription status. |
plan | string | false | The subscription plan type name. |
planID | string | false | The subscription plan type id |
Create user device's reporting data payload.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
platformType | PlatformType | true | Represents how user consuming service (eg: APP, WEB) |
customDeviceManufacturer | string | false | The manufacturer of the user's device if available. |
customDeviceName | string | false | The name of the device model if available. |
const appInfo = {
name: 'Sample App Web',
version: '7.0.57',
build: '1.0.1'
const deviceInfo = {
platformType: flAnalytics.PlatformType.WEB,
customDeviceMfg: 'test mfg',
customDeviceName: 'my pc'
const userInfo = {
type: flAnalytics.UserType.SUBSCRIBED,
Initializing application session
Application session must be initialized before use. To initialize the application session, an object with the following properties must be passed as parameter.
Custom events reporting to the analytics server can be toggled on/off remotely. Passing the config end point URL, where the black-listed items are hosted, to the initialize
method will restricts the reporting of black-listed custom events.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
configId | string | true | Datazoom configuration key. |
convivaKey | string | true | The unique identifier of the Conviva configuration key. |
debug | string | false | Enable Conviva debug mode. |
gatewayUrl | srting | false | The Conviva url for show-casing playbackSession on touchstone (A Conviva tool designed to assist in debugging and validating the integration of Conviva’s video sensor with streaming applications and platforms.). |
application | Object | true | An object containing the application information. |
device | Object | true | An object containing the device information. |
user | Object | false | An object containing the user information. |
player | Object | true | An object containing the ad player information. |
customEventsConfigUrl | string | false | The end point where custom events configuration details are hosted. |
logger | Object | false | An object with a custom logger. |
Create configuration to initialize Datazoom.
// API to initialize application session instance
configId: '<your-datazoom-key>',
application: appInfo,
device: deviceInfo,
user: userInfo,
customEventsConfigUrl: '<url-to-blacklisted-events-configuration>',
logger: '<application-logger>'
Create configuration to initialize Conviva.
// API to initialize application session instance
convivaKey: '<your-conviva-key>',
application: appInfo,
device: deviceInfo,
user: userInfo,
player: playerInfo,
customEventsConfigUrl: '<url-to-blacklisted-events-configuration>',
logger: '<application-logger>'
Standard Playback Events & Metrics
Create PlaybackSession
to report player related events.
const playbackSession = appSession.createPlaybackSession(content, playbackSource, applicationContainer);
Attach Player
provides and API called attachPlayer
which takes a Player
instance as parameter. This API enables the underlying analytics collection tool to access platform native player instance, therefore auto-reporting most of the playback related events.
Playback events that are auto-captured by library itself
Name | Description |
playback_start | This event is reported when the video starts playing for the user. |
heartbeat | This event is reported at periodic intervals (1 minute) during content playback. |
media_request | This event is reported after the user invokes playback. |
player_ready | Signifies when the player has been initialized and is ready for playback. |
pause | This event is reported when the player is paused. |
resume | This event is reported when the user begins playing after pausing the video. |
buffer_start | Buffer Start identifies anytime the player has to wait for the video buffer to fill with video segments. |
buffer_end | Event is reported when video starts playing again after a buffer is completed. |
stall_start | Stall Start event is reported when playback of video stops because the buffer has been depleted causing an unexpected interruption for the user. |
stall_end | Event reported when video starts playing again after a stall and the buffer has been replenished and playback resumes. |
error | Thrown if an error occurs during content playback or retrieval of the video. |
playback_complete | This event signifies that the video player has reached the end of the currently playing content. |
stop | This event is reported when the player has entered a stopped state. |
milestone | Reported when the playheadPosition passes a predetermined percentile milestone of the video's duration. Current milestones are fired at the 10, 25, 50, 75, 90 & 95 percentiles. |
seek_start | This event records when the user interacts with time controls within the player to move forward or backward in the video timeline. |
see_end | Event is reported when the player stops moving the playhead position to jump to a specific point on the timeline. |
playing | The media is no longer blocked from playback, and has started playing. Reported when playback resumes from Stall, Buffering or Seek. |
Report Custom Playback Events
The Web implementation of FL-Analytics library provides support for multiple concurrent playback event reporting.
Report Playback Start
provides API to report playback_request
Content Specific metadata
Create data payload for specific type of contents as below.
Create SportContent
reporting data payload that is specific to sport event.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | true | The unique identifier for content item. |
type | String | true | The type of content to report. |
name | String | true | The content name from CMS. |
providerId | String | false | The content's provider identifier. |
genre | String | false | The genre of the content. |
licenseWindowStartDate | String | false | The license window start date. The clear content may not have this parameter. |
sportName | String | true | The name of the sport. |
leagueName | String | true | The name of the sport league. |
team1Name | String | true | The name of the first sport team. |
team2Name | String | true | The name of the second sport team. |
leagueID | String | false | The unique identifier of the sport league. |
leagueExternalID | String | false | The external unique identifier of the sport league. |
leagueShortName | String | false | The short name of the sport league. |
gameID | String | false | The unique identifier of the sport game. |
gameExternalId | String | false | The external unique identifier of the sport game. |
venue | SportVenue | false | The SportVenue instance. |
team1ID | String | false | The unique identifier of the first sport team. |
team1ExternalID | String | false | The external unique identifier of the first sport team |
team1ShortName | String | false | The short name of the first sport team. |
team2ID | String | false | The unique identifier of the second sport team. |
team2ExternalID | String | false | he external unique identifier of the second sport team. |
team2ShortName | String | false | The short name of the second sport team. |
Create SportVenue
reporting data payload that is specific to sport event.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
venueName | String | true | The name of the sport event venue. |
venueCity | String | true | The city where the sport event takes place. |
venueCountry | String | true | The country where the sport event takes place. |
Create TVShow
reporting data payload that is specific to TV show.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | true | The unique identifier for content item. |
type | String | true | The type of content to report. |
name | String | true | The content name from CMS. |
providerId | String | false | The content's provider identifier. |
genre | String | false | The genre of the content. |
licenseWindowStartDate | String | false | The license window start date. The clear content may not have this parameter. |
seriesID | String | true | The unique identifier of the TV show series. |
seriesName | String | true | The name of the TV show series. |
seriesNumber | String | true | The season number of the TV show series. |
episodeNumber | String | true | The number of one of the episodes in the TV show series. |
Create MiscellaneousContent
video content reporting data payload that belongs to categories other than SportContent
or TVShow
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | true | The unique identifier for content item. |
type | String | true | The type of content to report. |
name | String | true | The content name from CMS. |
providerId | String | false | The content's provider identifier. |
genre | String | false | The genre of the content. |
licenseWindowStartDate | String | false | The license window start date. The clear content may not have this parameter. |
Create ApplicationContainer
reporting data payload related to application container.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | true | The unique identifier of the carousel where the content or link to the collection is located. |
name | String | true | The name of the carousel where the content or link to the collection is located. |
const container = {
id: '456',
name: 'Movies'
const content = {
id: '5FB9F75D-EC44-4ACB-925E-84EBC303F47E',
type: 'trailer',
name: 'Entre gemelos anda el juego',
providerId: 'magnolia',
genre: 'Horror',
seriesName: 'Seinfeld',
seriesId: 'PYA1002904',
seasonNumber: '2',
episodeNumber: '5',
licenseWindowStartDate: '2022-02-01 18:54:55.836 UTC'
const playbackSource = 'Carousel';
Handling Playback Request Interruptions
Any interruptions prior to starting the playback (before creating a player) can be reported using PlaybackSession
Example: Checks related to content authorization (content authentication, parental controls etc)
// report interruption start
const customEvent = {
event: 'content_authorization_started',
data: {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
// report interruption end
const customEvent = {
event: 'content_authorization_success',
data: {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
Configure Playback Metadata
Add Playback custom metadata
provides an API that adds/updates common metadata to be reported across all playback related events.
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
Report Playback Error
To report any error caused like content-auth failure, concurrent streams max limit reached (failure from server but not from player layer as FL-Analytics auto-reports player errors) can be reported using stop
API in PlaybackSession
. Send Error as a parameter(optional) to report playback stop on any error.
Value Added Events and Metrics
Application Events
Report Application start
provides an API to report app_start
event along with app start time.
// the time, in milliseconds, it takes to start the application
Report Application End
provides an API to report app_end
User Events
provides the following API to report user action based events.
// Called when [User] executes "signup" flow.
// Called when [User] executes "login" flow.
// Called when [User] executes "logout" flow.
// Called when [User] executes "create profile" flow.
// Called when [User] executes "update profile" flow.
// Called when [User] executes "start subscription" flow.
// Called when [User] executes "purchase subscription" flow.
// Called when [User] executes "change subscription" flow.
// Called when [User] executes "complete payment" flow.
It is client application responsibility to ensure that each user action is triggered in the correct sequence.
Report Custom Events
provides an API to report custom events.
const customEvent = {
event: 'sample_event',
data: {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
- In order to conform to the existing reporting scheme the event name should be provided in the lower case format and words should be separated by the underscore character e.g."playback_request"
- In Datazoom, any custom event will be reported as event name with
prefix. (eg: playback_start as custom_playback_start) :::
When trying to report a custom event with a name that is already reserved (the list of reserved event names is captured by QP_ANALYTICS_EVENTS
), library will throw an error.
Configure Application Metadata
Set Application custom metadata
Additional metadata that is to be added or updated to all application / playback / user events can be done using the below API. All subsequent events will report this additional data once it is defined.
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
Application Errors
provides APIs to report both fatal and non-fatal errors.
Report Fatal errors
Any application fatal error can be reported using below API. Send Error as a parameter(optional) to report playback stop on any error.
Report Non-fatal errors
Any application non-fatal error can be reported using below API. Send Error to report playback stop on any error.
User Action Errors
Any User error can be reported using below API. Create UserError
reporting data payload in case where one of user's action fails and User attribute along with it.
Create User Error
Name | Type | Required | Description |
code | String | true | The unique error code. |
message | String | true | The message describing the error. |
description | String | false | The contextual description of the error. |
const userError = {
code: '745',
message: 'user action failure',
description: 'user action failure details'
Out-of-box Player Metrics
The Quickplay Player provides number of key metrics to analyse the playback performance. Please refer the bundled sample app to understand the corresponding metrics API.
Key Player Metrics
Load Latency
- This is the number of seconds it took for the video element to have enough data to begin playback. This is measured from the time load() is called to the time the 'loadeddata' event is fired by then media element.Buffer Range
- Indicates how much is buffered ahead of the playhead and how much is buffered behind the playhead (in seconds).Decoded Frames
- The total number of frames decoded by the Player.Framerate
- Provides number of Frames being displayed (per second).Dropped Frames
- The total number of frames dropped by the Player.Corrupted Frames
- The total number of corrupted frames dropped by the browser.Play Time
- The total time spent in a playing state in seconds.Pause Time
- The total time spent in a paused state in seconds.License Time
- The time spent on license requests during this session in seconds, or NaN.Buffering Time
- The total time spent in a buffering state in seconds.Required Bandwidth
- The bandwidth required for the current streams (total, in bit/sec).Estimated Bandwidth
- The current estimated network bandwidth (in bit/sec).Variant Bitrate
- The bandwidth required to play active variant track, in bits/sec.Video Bitrate
- The total time spent in a buffering state in seconds.Audio Bitrate
- The bandwidth required for the current streams (total, in bit/sec).Width
- The width of the current video track.Height
- The height of the current video track.
The Quickplay Player's PlaybackStatistics
provides all metric info required. For more information please refer sample app.
player.subscribe('progressupdate', function () {