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Google PAL

The fl-google-pal library integrates with Google PAL library to enable publishers make a direct call to monetize Roku Applications.


To load the framework, add the following to manifest:



Create Google PAL

In order to create the Google PAL intance you need to use the factory.

Create googlePal instance
m.googlePal = FLGooglePALFactory().googlePAL()

Get Nonce

In order to get the Nonce from Google PAL you need to call the method getNonce from the googlePal instance, and pass it the context and the callback function that will be used to return the value of Nonce once Google PAL return it.

Get Google PAL Nonce
m.googlePal.getNonce(, "onNonceChange")

sub onNonceChange(nonce as String)
? 'Nonce: ', nonce
end sub

Send Playback Start

In order to notify to Google server that playback is started you need to call the method sendPlaybackStart without any parameters.

Send Playback Start

Send Playback End

In order to notify to Google server that playback is ended you need to call the method sendPlaybackEnd without any parameters.

Send Playback End