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The fl-conviva library integrates with conviva platform to provide a single source of identity and insights for everything streaming.


  1. Obtain your customerKey from Conviva. Two customer keys will be provided, one for TEST and the other for a PRODUCTION environment.
  2. Have access to Touchstone for debugging. The TEST customer key will be used for debugging.
Load conviva core-sdk library
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/conviva-core-sdk.js"></script>

Create Conviva Session

Create a new Conviva session by providing proper initialization data including your keys and your device information.

var flConvivaSession = flConviva.createConvivaSession(


It is an object containing your customer key. Optionally you can indicate whether your session is a production session or a debug session. Default is production. Make sure to provide the proper customer key.


In case you're setting up a debug session you must provide the gatewayUrl from Touchstone and enable debug. For Production, Conviva library will use the automatically assigned gatewayUrl

var initializationData = {
customerKey: <customerKey>,
debug: true,
gatewayUrl: https://<customerKey>,


Information of the device on which content being played.

BRANDstringfalseBrand of the device"Apple", "Samsung", "Huawei", "Google"
MODELstringfalseModel of the device"iPhone 6 Plus", "HTC One", "Roku 3"
MANUFACTURERstringfalseManufacturer of the device"Samsung", "Apple", "HTC", "Sony"
TYPEstringfalseType of the device. Only allows the DeviceType values and discards any other string valuesConviva.Constants.DeviceType.DESKTOP Conviva.Constants.DeviceType.CONSOLE_LOG Conviva.Constants.DeviceType.MOBILE
OS_NAMEstringfalseName of the operating system used by the device in uppercase"WINDOWS", "LINUX", "IOS", "MAC", ANDROID", "FIREOS", "ROKU", "PLAYSTATION", "CHROMEOS"
OS_VERSIONstringfalseVersion of the operating system used by the device"10.10.1", "8.1", "T-INFOLINK2012-1012", "Fire OS 5"
CATEGORYstringfalseDevice Category to which the used device belongs to. Only allows the Constants.DeviceCategory values and discards any other string valueConviva.Constants.DeviceCategory.WEB Conviva.Constants.DeviceCategory.ANDROID Conviva.Constants.DeviceCategory.PLAYSTATION
SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTHnumberfalseWidth of the current display in pixels. Note: Autocollected using window.screen.width API for most of the web-based platforms1280, 1440, 1366, 1920
SCREEN_RESOLUTION_HEIGHTnumberfalseHeight of the current display in pixels. Note: Autocollected using window.screen.height API for most of the web-based platforms720, 900, 768, 1080
SCREEN_RESOLUTION_SCALE_FACTORnumberfalseThe ratio of the current displayhardware-based pixels to the device-independent pixels. Note: Autocollected as 1, if the value not set by application and autocollected using window.screen.devicePixelRatio API for most of the web-based platforms1.5, 2, 1
var deviceMetadata = {};

deviceMetadata[Conviva.Constants.DeviceMetadata.BRAND] = 'Apple';
deviceMetadata[Conviva.Constants.DeviceMetadata.MANUFACTURER] = 'Apple';
deviceMetadata[Conviva.Constants.DeviceMetadata.MODEL] = 'Macbook Pro';
deviceMetadata[Conviva.Constants.DeviceMetadata.TYPE] = Conviva.Constants.DeviceType.DESKTOP;
deviceMetadata[Conviva.Constants.DeviceMetadata.OS_NAME] = 'bigSur';
deviceMetadata[Conviva.Constants.DeviceMetadata.OS_VERSION] = '11.6.2';
deviceMetadata[Conviva.Constants.DeviceMetadata.CATEGORY] = Conviva.Constants.DeviceCategory.WEB;


Player information on which the ads being played.

var adPlayerInfo = {};

adPlayerInfo[Conviva.Constants.FRAMEWORK_NAME] = 'FlPlayer';
adPlayerInfo[Conviva.Constants.FRAMEWORK_VERSION] = flPlayer.version;

Initialize Session

ConvivaSession should be created once per app session and the same session instance can be used to report multiple video playback sessions.


Active or Inactive Session

To check whether a previous session is still active or not. It has to be checked before initialize or destory session.


Report Playback Request

To initiate a Video Playback session, this API must be called in following use-cases:

  • User clicks play button
  • Video starts in autoplay mode
  • User replays video again
  • A new video starts in playlist
flConvivaSession.reportPlaybackRequested(metadata, adMetadata)

Configure Metadata

Information about the video and content metadata.

Video metadata

STREAM_URLtrueURL of the video being Played
ASSET_NAMEtrueName of the content being played
IS_LIVEfalseType of the content whether LIVE or VOD
PLAYER_NAMEtrueName of the player
VIEWER_IDtrueUnique identifier of the user
ENCODED_FRAMERATEfalseFrame rate of the content
DURATIONfalseTotal Duration of the content
FRAMEWORK_NAMEfalsePlayer framework name on which video is being played
FRAMEWORK_VERSIONfalsePlayer framework version on which video is being played
APPLICATION_VERSIONfalseApp version where the video is being played

Content metadata

NameRequiredDescriptionExample content delivery methods along with Live and VOD. Acceptable values: "Live", "Live-Linear", "DVR", "Catchup", "VOD"."Live", "Live-Linear", "DVR", "Catchup", "VOD" channel on which the content is consumed."Sony Six" name of the brand to which the content belongs."SonyLiv" or MVPD name for TV Everywhere authenticated services."Xfinity", "Comcast" business categories of interest."Episodic", "Movies", "News", "Sports" of CMS Provider."CMS", "ROVI", "TMS" asset identifier to query CMS system to gather additional asset metadata information for a specific asset."003b094d-fc5c-3d5a-8ed0-301bf848291e" name of Series. Set the value only if the metadata cannot be gathered from CMS System. Null if not applicable."Friends", "Null" Season number. Set the value only if the details cannot be inferred from Asset Provider Server. Null if not applicable."1", "Null" name of the Episode or Show Title. Set the value only if the details cannot be inferred from Asset Provider Server. Null if not applicable."The One with All the Cheesecakes", "Null" Episode number. Set the value only if the details cannot be inferred from Asset Provider Server. Null if not applicable."3", "Null" Primary content genre. Set the value only if the details cannot be inferred from Asset Provider Server. Null if not applicable"Drama", "Null" list of the applicable content genre. Set the values in a comma separated list only if the details cannot be inferred from Asset Provider Server. Null if not applicable."Drama, Crime, Political, Violence", "Null" the UTM parameters in the URL to track the effectiveness of the online marketing campaign across traffic sources and publishing media. Conviva uses CONTAINS logic to parse the individual UTM parameters from the URL provided, so either the full URL or just the UTM parameters is acceptable. Note: This tag is only applicable for web and mobile devices.Example values: or utm_source=newsletter1&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=summer-sale&utm_content=toplink
var metadata = {};

// video metadata
metadata[Conviva.Constants.STREAM_URL] = 'your main content stream url';
metadata[Conviva.Constants.ASSET_NAME] = 'your main content asset name';
metadata[Conviva.Constants.VIEWER_ID] = 'your viewer unique identifier'; // do not send for anonymous user
metadata[Conviva.Constants.PLAYER_NAME] = 'your player name';
metadata[Conviva.Constants.APPLICATION_VERSION] = 'your application version';

// content metadata
metadata[''] = 'VOD';
metadata[''] = 'Sports';
metadata[''] = 'your asset unique identifier';
metadata[''] = 'WWE Extreme Rules 2016';
metadata[''] = 'Sports';
metadata[''] = 'Sports, News';

// custom metadata
metadata.tag1 = 'your custom value for tag1';
metadata.tag2 = 'your custom value for tag2';


The additional information about the ads being played.

adTechnologyAdTechnologyfalseWhether the ad is from server side or client side
isSlatestringfalseWhether the slate contents are available or not
adMediaFileApiFrameworkstringfalseFramework used for interactions between ad units and video player
adStitcherstringfalseName of the adSticher vendor


The following are the ad technology reported to conviva.

CLIENT_SIDERepresents the ad is from client side
SERVER_SIDERepresents the ad is from server side
var adMetadata = {};
adMetadata.adTechnology = flConviva.AdTechnology.SERVER_SIDE;
adMetadata.isSlate = 'true'; // true or false
adMetadata.adMediaFileApiFramework = 'VPAID';
adMetadata.adStitcher = 'yospace';

Attach Video Player

The video player could take some time to initialize from the moment the user initiates playback so a different function is provided to attach the video player once the video player is initialized.


Update Metadata

To update or amend pre-defined and custom tags for video after attatching the player, use:


Report Errors

To report any errors while authorizing the content, use:


All error that occur in the middle of the playback are automatically reported by ConvivaSession. This API should be called to report errors that occur before initializing the player (e.g., authorizing the content)

Report Playback Events

Conviva allows reporting any user-wait states in the Playback flow so Video Start Time (VST) metric can be accurately captured. Here are some examples of user-wait states:

  • parentel pin popup
  • accepting strong language or violence
  • resume or continue watching dialogue
  • watch party initiation

To report user wait started:


To report user wait ended:


Report Custom Events

Conviva allows reporting custom player related events assiciated with a playback session. To report a custom event:

var eventName = "quality-change";
var info = {
from: "FHD",
to: "4K"

flConvivaSession.reportCustomEvent(eventName, info);

Backgrounding & Foregrounding

To report backgrounding events (e.g., user pressing home or power off buttons), use:


To handle foregrounding events:


Destory Session

The conviva session has to be destoryed when application is terminated.
