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Logging & Debugging

The fl-foundation manager aims at abstracting away Platform dependent functionality and expose a platform-agnostic API for the consuming modules.

It primarily focuses on following features:

  1. Networking using HttpClient
  2. Storage using KeyValueStore
  3. Logging using Logger


One can create a Logger using fl-foundation library

const logger = flFoundation.createLogger(4, `FL_FOUNDATION`);

logger.warn('Warning created', { foo: 'bar' });
logger.error('Error created', { foo: 'bar' });'Information created', { foo: 'bar' });
logger.debug('Debug log created', { foo: 'bar' });
// PLAYBACK_START_UP_TIME: 10768.51318359375ms

Following Logger Levels are supported (ordered in terms of verbosity from the most to the least):

  1. OFF
  2. ERROR
  3. WARN
  4. INFO
  5. DEBUG

Playback Logger

PlayerBuilder accepts logger and the application developers can configure a logger with their own tag information and logger levels.

const logger = flFoundation.createLogger(4, `FL_PLAYBACK_LOGS`);
const player = playerBuilder

Performance metrics using logger

Application develops can log the time taken to complete any operations by using time and timeEnd log api

const timerName = 'CALCULATE_START_UP_TIME';
* Starts a timer you can use to track how long an operation takes.
* You give each timer a unique name and may have up to 10,000 timers
* running on a given page. When you call `timeEnd()` with the same name,
* the browser will output the time, in milliseconds, that
* elapsed since the timer was started.
* The name will identify the timer; use the same name when calling
* logger.timeEnd() to stop the timer and get the time output to the
* console